And after a 12 year battle over the piece, this is the first I’m hearing of the case.

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 6 August 2020
Posted on 6 August 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, etc

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 31 July 2020
Posted on 31 July 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, etc

White Control of Native American Culture can Never be “Responsible Collecting”
Posted on 23 July 2020
Discussing a “Discussion Article” in Antiquity

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 23 July 2020
Posted on 23 July 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, et

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 6 July 2020
Posted on 6 July 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, etc

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 24 June 2020
Posted on 24 June 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, etc

Questioning the Mirador-Calakmul Basin Maya Security and Conservation Partnership Act (pt 1)
Posted on 19 June 2020
Why do Republicans support spending millions on protecting Maya heritage?

CALL FOR COMMENTS on the USA/Colombia Cultural Property MOU
Posted on 18 June 2020
Help protect Colombian antiquities from trafficking

Call for Abstracts: Crime and Art: Sociological and criminological perspectives of crimes in the art world.
Posted on 15 June 2020
for a volume edited by Dr Naomi Oosterman and myself

Art Crime Research Opportunities: 11 June 2020
Posted on 11 June 2020
Learning, networking, conference and employment opportunities in cultural property, art crime research, etc

Illicit dino feathers and exploiting legal loopholes to study fossils in Myanmar amber
Posted on 5 June 2020
Myanmar law clearly considers all fossils protected, even those in amber