I’m speaking, well, all over the USA place. Come listen and say hello.
This is a busy month for me: lots of travel, lots of speaking, and hopefully meeting lots of people who are interested in antiquities and art crime research. If that’s you and you are in Chicago, Washington DC, or New Haven, why not come to one of these talks?
All of these are more or less open to the public. The DC talk is ‘less’, but the conference organizers might let folks attend that one event. Only the Yale talk will be recorded.
16 Nov, 12:00–1:30, University of Chicago, Chicago
Toward a Framework for Critical Engagement with Crime Control Policy in Trafficking Cultural Objects
with Neil Brodie and Simon Mackenzie
16 Nov, 4:00–5:00, DePaul University, Chicago
Organized and White-Collar Crime in Trafficking Networks
with Neil Brodie and Simon Mackenzie
20 Nov, 5:00–6:20, American Society of Criminology, Hilton, Washington DC
Global Trafficking in Art & Antiquities
Round-table with a panel of other experts
24 Nov, 3:00pm, Yale University, New Haven
Tracking Stolen Gods: Using criminological tools to prevent antiquities trafficking
Just me!